Fat dissolving effects generally stay for 1-2 years, depending on age, metabolism, and lifestyle. A longer duration is expected for individuals aged 25 to 35, with results usually seen after 8 weeks for those above 40. Adhering to a healthy diet and regular exercise can allow results to extend over 12 months or more.
Metabolic Rate
On average, a treatment course of phosphatidylcholine generally decreases the fat volume between 20%-30%. Maximum metabolism usually occurs between four and six weeks after treatment. Individuals aged 25-35 metabolize fats faster than those aged over 40, who may require more than eight weeks before peak metabolism occurs.
Approximately 70% undergo lipolysis treatments and experience visible results from three months post treatment. In some individuals, those with a lower metabolic rate, the fat residue may remain up to as long as 12 weeks. Drinking a minimum of 2.5 liters of water is said to have about a 15% increase in lymph circulation efficiency.
A 34-year-old woman said that after receiving abdominal lipolysis injections, her waist circumference reduced by 6 cm, approximately 4 kg lighter from her body weight. This fat reduction effect closely relates to an aerobic exercise routine done 30 minutes daily by a patient. By following this regimen, the treatment effect may be prolonged to over 12 months.
Lipolysis injections thus would be ranging approximately between $200 and $500 per calculated area per treatment course. Costs can go higher for some patients who want to treat numerous areas and would even reach as high as $1,500 to $2,000. Recovery days from fat-dissolving injection types generally last just 2 or 3 days. The incidence of side effects of such injections is below 3%.
This results in a mere 10% chance of returning to previous volumes once fat cells are dissolved post-treatment; however, if calories are ingested too highly, then the conversion rate to new fat might well exceed 40%. Caloric intake recommendations are 2,000-2,500 calories for men and 1,500-2,000 calories for women.
By 2030, the market size of this area is expected to grow at a compound annual average growth rate of 12.5% from the current $680 million in 2022.
Facial and neck fat metabolizes approximately 25% faster when compared to abdominal fat, while decomposition in the buttocks and thighs would be anticipated to take about 6-8 weeks.
Fat dissolving will usually yield about 85% fat loss for the patient’s BMI between 18 and 25, while those above 30 BMI will probably receive only about 50%.
Patients who have a healthy diet and exercise regularly as well as visit their doctors intermittently for follow-up consultations will typically be able to sustain their ideal body shape for 1 to 2 years post-treatment.
Dietary Control
Caloric intake is reduced by 10 to 15 percent and the chance of regaining weight after fat melting drops by 35 percent. A person eating 2,000 calories a day can slow down the path of fat accumulation just by consuming around 1,700 calories a day.
Daily intake of 1.5 times body weight in grams of protein – for example, 90 grams of protein for a person at 60 kg – increases fat decomposition product metabolic rates by 20 percent.
Daily carbohydrate intake of less than 50 grams is also proven to be effective in shutting down fat synthesis. The low-carb diet has produced an average of 5% body weight loss at the waist that reduced by almost 4 cm after 12 weeks post fat melting.
A regular can of soda of 330 ml has about 35 grams of sugar and almost 140 calories in it. If you cut that out from your intake, you can save about 51,000 calories in a year; that’s around 6 kg worth of fat. Those on an 8-hour eating schedule will decompose fat at about 12% faster than the free eaters. Daily dietary fiber intake between 25 and 30 grams significantly stimulate movement in the intestines.
Increase calcium consumption to a total of 1000 mg per day; you may activate fat burning. Magnesium contributes to fat metabolism by as much as 30%, and 100 mg supplement of magnesium per day can lower the storage rate of fat by as much as 15%.
The average individual consumes between 10-12 g of salt daily. However, it is the recommendation of the World Health Organization that intake should be below 5 g.
After treatment, doctors usually advise filling the diet with essential fatty acids, where about 1 gram of Omega-3 daily is found to be especially metabolically improving and lowering inflammatory responses.
Exercise frequency
For patients who exercise moderately three times a week, the excretion rate of fat metabolites is about 25% higher than that of those who exercise irregularly. When the frequency is increased to 5 times a week, this figure can reach 35%.
For people who exercise for 30 minutes to 1 hour each time, their basal metabolic rate increases by an average of 10%. For every 10 minutes of exercise time, the efficiency of fat decomposition can be increased by about 4%. In the experiment, the two groups of patients performed 30 minutes and 50 minutes of running training respectively, and the results showed that the latter’s fat decomposition rate increased by more than 15%.
People who perform HIIT training 2 to 3 times a week have an average of 20% more local fat reduction. HIIT training can increase the heart rate to 85% of the maximum heart rate in a short period of time.
The patient’s fat metabolic activity remains at a high level within 48 hours after the end of exercise, and energy consumption is about 10% higher than usual. Exercising every 1 to 2 days is the best strategy to maintain a continuous fat burning effect.
Local exercise for the thighs and buttocks, 3 to 4 times a week, 20 minutes each time, can significantly reduce the thickness of subcutaneous fat, with a reduction of between 6% and 8%.
People who walk 8,000 steps a day have a 22% higher fat decomposition efficiency than those who walk only 3,000 steps a day. Individuals who walk more than 10,000 steps a day usually have a body fat percentage below 18%, while this percentage exceeds 25% for those who walk less than 5,000 steps.
Supplementing 500 ml to 1 liter of water after each exercise not only improves lymphatic circulation, but also promotes the excretion of fat decomposition products through urine. People who properly replenish water after exercise have a fat decomposition rate that is 12% higher than those who do not consume enough water. A 1 degree Celsius increase in body temperature during exercise can increase the fat oxidation rate by about 7%.
Adding long-distance aerobic exercise once a week can improve cardiopulmonary function by about 10%, and people with higher maximum oxygen uptake have a fat oxidation rate that is 18% to 25% faster than ordinary people.
Through continuous scientific exercise management, patients can usually maintain their ideal body shape for 6 months to 1 year.
7 to 8 hours of sleep a day can increase the efficiency of body fat decomposition by 10% to 12%. The body fat reduction rate after fat dissolution in people who are sleep deprived is 18% lower than that of those who are well-slept.
People who fall asleep before 11 p.m. every day usually have a 20% lower fat accumulation rate than those who go to bed after 12 p.m.
30 minutes of morning sunlight exposure every day can also promote metabolism. The fat metabolism rate of individuals exposed to morning light is 8% to 10% higher than that of those who are not exposed to the sun.
Individuals who take a lunch break for more than 30 minutes have an average increase of 5% in their basal metabolic rate in the afternoon, while those who take a lunch break for more than 1 hour have a decrease in metabolic efficiency. The best lunch break time should be controlled between 20 and 40 minutes.
People with long-term insomnia or lack of sleep usually have 25% to 30% higher cortisol levels than normal people. For every hour less sleep, the accumulation of abdominal fat may increase by 5% to 7%.
Individuals who eat after 8 p.m. have a 10% to 15% lower ability to break down fat the next day. However, if dinner is scheduled before 6 p.m., the efficiency of fat metabolism in the body will be significantly improved.
Individuals with regular schedules are 30% more likely to maintain their weight after the age of 40 than those with irregular schedules. The basal metabolic rate of these individuals barely drops between the ages of 30 and 50.
Fat Types
White fat mainly stores excess energy, while brown fat helps burn fat by generating heat.
Basal metabolic rate increases by about 10% for every gram of brown fat added to the body. Participants were able to increase fat burning rate by 15% in 3 months by increasing cold exposure.
Visceral fat has about 4 times more impact on metabolism in the human body than subcutaneous fat. The metabolic rate of subcutaneous fat is only about 60% of that of visceral fat.
Each kilogram of brown fat can generate up to 300 kcal. Every 100 grams of bone marrow fat can release about 6 grams of fatty acids.
Differences in parts
Visceral fat is usually metabolized 15% to 20% faster than subcutaneous fat.
The fat in women’s buttocks and thighs dissolves at about 70% of that in the abdomen.
The fat in the upper arms and back dissolves at about 60% of that in the abdomen. Within 3 months after the abdominal fat is dissolved, the amount of fat in the back is usually reduced by only 10%, while the abdominal fat is reduced by about 20%.
The dissolution rate of facial fat is about 1.5 times that of other parts. After facial fat dissolution treatment, patients can often see significant changes within 1 to 2 weeks. The fat reduction rate of the neck and chin can reach 5% per month.
The fat dissolution rate of the back is about 12% higher than that of the thighs. The decomposition rate of waist fat is about 80% of that of other parts.
Age Factors
People aged 20 to 30 can achieve a fat loss of about 20% within 3 months after treatment. For people aged 20 to 30, the fat metabolism rate is about 40% faster than that of people over 60.
Women over 40 years old lose only 60% of the fat after fat dissolving treatment compared to those under 30 years old.
The metabolism of the elderly over 60 years old is usually more than 50% slower than that of young people. Individuals over 60 years old usually lose less than 5% of their pre-treatment body weight after 6 months of fat dissolving treatment.
The skin recovery rate after fat dissolving treatment for people over 40 years old is usually 30% to 40% slower than that for people aged 20 to 30 years old. The effect of fat dissolving treatment is more limited in men over 50 years old.
In people under 30 years old, the rebound rate after fat dissolving is about 10% within 3 months. After 40 years old, the rebound rate of fat can be as high as 30%.