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HUONS Lidocaine HCL Hydrate Epinephrine INJ.


Huons Lidocaine HCl Hydrate Epinephrine Injection is of premium quality, suitable for various medical and dental applications that need adequate analgesia, with safety. This drug formulation synergizes the effective local anesthetic properties of Lidocaine Hydrochloride with the vasoconstrictive actions of Epinephrine for ideal pain management with less hemorrhage during surgery.


Product Overview

Huons Lidocaine HCl Hydrate Epinephrine Injection is of premium quality, suitable for various medical and dental applications that need adequate analgesia, with safety. This drug formulation synergizes the effective local anesthetic properties of Lidocaine Hydrochloride with the vasoconstrictive actions of Epinephrine for ideal pain management with less hemorrhage during surgery.

Product Specification

Model: Huons Epinephrine

Material: Lidocaine HCl Hydrate, Epinephrine Bitartrate

Packaging: Blister tray boxed in 10 cartridges each

Volume: 50 x 1.8ml per box

Origin: Korea

Trademark: Huons Epinephrine

Key Benefits

Fast Onset: Less than 2-minute onset for infiltration anesthesia, 2 to 4 minutes for nerve blocks.

Intermediate Duration: Infiltration anesthesia can last up to 60 minutes, while nerve blocks may last for 90 minutes of pulpal anesthesia.

Safe Composition:

No methylparaben to minimize allergic reactions in sensitive patients.

100% latex-free components to reduce allergic responses.

Improved Safety Features:

Mylar-covered glass cartridges minimize the risk of injury in case of breakage. Terminal sterilization provides sterility and ensures safety for use. Blister tray packaging avoids glass-to-glass contact, which reduces the chances of breakage.

Indications And Usage

  • Nerve Block or Infiltration Anesthesia: Administration of 6 to 40 mg of Lidocaine Hydrochloride.
  • Oral Surgery Anesthesia: Administration of 6 to 100 mg of Lidocaine Hydrochloride.

Active Ingredient

  • Lidocaine Hydrochloride: To provide rapid and effective local anesthesia.
  • Epinephrine Bitartrate: It acts by reducing blood flow to the site of administration, therefore prolonging anaesthesia and reducing haemorrhage.


Dental, oral surgery, infiltration, and nerve block procedures.

Important Notes

Read the instructions carefully before use.

Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you need any advice.

Packaging and ingredient details available in some languages.

This product is not for use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients listed.

External use only; not to be used without medical advice and diagnosis.


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